Last Updated: 06/03/21
Note: This is THE species I enjoy working with the most! Blood Pythons had me love struck (pun intended) from day one and I'm so happy that 12 years after holding my first WC Blood, I have this opportunity to work with some of the best captive bred bloodlines in Canada. The majority of animals I'm bringing in or interested come from Western Canada which means we're waiting on warmer weather to get this one rolling.
Check back throughout the year to see our collection of P. Brongersmai grow with us! (Updates Below)
Project 1: TPositive Albino Ivory

1.0 Matrix poss het TPos x 0.1 Matrix het TPos
Pairing 2022
1.0 Matrix poss het TPos x 0.1 TPos Albino
Pairing 2024
Beyond Excited!
I was lucky enough to pick out a gorgeous pair of Bloods from Dan Uremovic at Big D Exotics Ltd. in October of 2020. At the time they were too young to ship before cold set in but this month, after the May long weekend, they'll be shipping here!
Expect an update in early June, all goes well I'll have my trio of Matrix/TPos/het TPos animals here and settled soon :D

BWCE officially has it's first visual recessive P. Brongersmai morph!
Both the 2020 juveniles got to the door on schedule and in great shape. I've got them settled in a rack we made specifically for the project and will be doing a bigger update soon with lots of photos.