Blackwood Rats
Updated: 09/07/23
Diet: My rats are fed Mazuri 6F, Laboratory Diet, Oxbow, and various fruits and vegetables
Read about your rats dietary needs here: https://ratguide.com/care/nutrition/diet.php
Bedding: I use 50/50 kiln-dried Aspen shavings/Fresh News.
Information about good vs. bad bedding options here: https://ratguide.com/care/environment/cage_bedding_litter.php
Caging/Housing: This topic is broad and varied- basically the bigger the better and ventilation is everything!
Learn more about caging options and needs here: https://ratguide.com/care/environment/housing_needs.php
Behaviour: I get questions about rats behaviour, personality and intelligence all the time! This is a great resource for how to interact with your rats and talks about how rats learn, play and change as they mature!

Please give these links a go over before bringing home your Blackwood Rats to help ensure the best start for everyone!
A) Rats will only be sold in same gendered pairs, exception made for those adding a single rat to a same gendered colony (documentation req.).
B) A 25% non-refundable deposit is required to hold each pup. This deposit will be subtracted from the total bill, leaving the remaining 75% due upon pickup.
C) Rats go home between 6-8 weeks. I will notify clients of the "pickup date"- pups must be picked up in the week (7 days) after the pickup date, if the reservation holder doesn't come to get their pups after 7 days they will be adopted out to the next person on the waitlist.
D) "No Breeding"/"Pet Only" contracts: for safety, liability and responsible breeding ethics all of my pups are on "No Breeding" contracts/"Pet Only" contracts. I am still working on improving these projects to their highest standards and at this time am not permitting my lines to be worked with in any other capacity besides pets.
Thank you to all my clients for reading the dry business stuff!