Please read in full
A word from your breeder:
Thank you for choosing to adopt from Blackwood Rats. We have been working hard since 2018 to develop temperament, lines and health we can be proud to offer the maritime community- they bring such joy to our lives and we are excited to help you pick the right rats to be a part of yours.
With beautiful rats comes great responsibility! Blackwood Rats is committed to ensuring our rats go to happy, informed and prepared homes. We’ve thought long and hard about how to support our clients, offer them security and customer service while within an arrangement that guarantees our Blackwood pets are getting the very best start!
The purpose of this contract is to make sure both you (the buyer) and myself (the seller) are on the same page and for you (the buyer) to understand what we are looking for in the overall care and husbandry of our rats you purchase from us, and what you’re getting from us in return.
Please read through below and bring a signed copy of this agreement to your adoption pickup appointment! Again, thanks for your patience through the dry stuff.
Amy Belliveau, Owner/Operator, BWR
1.) Deposits, Payment of Purchase Price and Refunds
a.) The sum of the price listed must be paid in full before the release of said rats to the buyer.
b.)The buyer acknowledges and agrees that the buyer will forfeit the deposit and any rights to said rats if:
i. The buyer fails to complete the purchase of the rats for ANY reason, or
ii. The buyer fails to pay the balance of the agreed purchase price before the pickup/delivery date.
iii. In either event, the seller shall be free to sell the rats to another party.
c.) In the event that the rats are not available due to sickness, death, or any other circumstance owing to the fault/circumstances of the seller, the buyer’s deposit will, at the buyer’s choice, be either refunded, or transferred to the future sale of rats..
d.) Beyond that all deposits are non-refundable and no refunds will be given if the buyer decides they no longer wish to have the rats at any time.
e.) All delivery fees/expenses are non-refundable for any reason unless the seller is at fault and can not meet the agreed upon plans or the rats can not be made available for any reason.
2.) Seller’s Representations and Warranties
The seller represents and warrants to the buyer that:
a.) The seller is the legal owner and true owner/breeder of said rats and that the seller has full rights and authority to sell the said rats.
b.) The seller guarantees that the said rats are as described, the correct variety (as best knowledge), at least 6 weeks of age and fully weaned, the correct sex, females are not pregnant and said rats were bred by the seller.
c.) The seller guarantees that the said rats are in good health to the best of the seller’s knowledge. That the rats are all free of parasites and skin issues such as mange, ringworm, mites, lice or fleas. The said rats are free from any respiratory ailments. (Note new home sneezes are common as the rat adjusts to their new home/new scents.)
d.) The buyer has 48 hours from the time they took possession of said rats to have the rats examined by a licensed veterinarian, at the buyer’s sole cost. If said rats fail the examination, the buyer may return the rats, with written statement from the veterinarian, for a full refund of the rats or exchange for future rats. All vet fees are covered solely by the buyer. Failure by the buyer to have the rats examined within the 48-hour period will nullify this warranty. If the buyer chooses to keep said rats, no replacement or refund will be given, and all medical costs and treatment are the sole responsibility of the buyer and the health guarantee will be null and void.
e.) Lifetime guarantee against congenital defect or disease. If at any time during the life of the rats they develop a detrimental condition that dates from the prenatal or fetal state, you may return the rats and the rats will be replaced. You must have documentation from a licensed veterinarian.
f.) This guarantee does not apply to tumors, mycoplasma or respiratory issues which may be caused by overall care and husbandry. It does not cover abuse/neglect or any improper care. The buyer agrees they have thoroughly researched the health and care of rats and understands how that care will relate to their overall health.
g.) The buyer is always responsible for all medical costs of their rats. This guarantee covers only the original buyer and is not transferable.
h.) The buyer may return the rats to the seller if they can not give proper health/veterinary care. The seller will treat and/or humanely euthanize said rats if need be to no cost of the buyer. The buyer forfeits all rights and possession of the rat in doing so.
i.) The seller will take back possession of the rats at any time if any conditions listed within this contract are breached during the rat’s lifetime. The seller will not issue a refund or provide another rat as a replacement to the buyer.
3.) Fitness of Purpose
a.) The rats were bred as companion animals (pets). The rats were sold under a PET ONLY/NON-BREEDING contract.
b.) The rats are not to be used as bait animals, in barn hunts, as food for other animals or any other situation that may put the rat in harm’s way or having the rats kept outside of the buyer’s home without written consent from the seller.
4.) Buyer’s Representations
The buyer represents to the seller that:
a.) The buyer agrees to quarantine their new rats if they currently own rats, as well as quarantine any new rats they bring into their home. The definition of quarantine for this purpose is: to separate and isolate to prevent the spread of disease, including bacterial infections, viruses, fungi, and parasites (both internal and external). Quarantine must be in a separate rat free location or share no airspace or handling between rats. The minimum quarantine time must last two weeks. If the buyer chooses not to provide quarantine, it is at their own risk and will make the health guarantee null and void.
b.) The rats will reside with the buyer as a companion pet to the buyer and the buyer’s family. The rats will reside indoors in a safe and proper temperature environment.
c.) The buyer acknowledges that they can keep pets and rats at their current home. The buyer either owns the home or has written consent from their landlord/owner of the residence, and that it is legal to own rats and/or these varieties of rats at their location. The buyer has consent to own rats from everyone in the household so that they will not be forced/asked to rehome them.
d.) The buyer will keep the rats in a proper well-ventilated cage of adequate size. Cage bars need to be no larger than ½ inch wide. Plastic bottoms are suggested against by the seller. No aquariums, critter trails or primarily plastic caging. Keeping your rats in any inappropriate cage will make the health guarantee null and void. If the buyer misrepresents the cage they will be housing said rats in, they will forfeit the possession of the rats at the seller’s request. The buyer will not allow the rats to live free range without the use of a cage or free range without supervision.
e.) The buyer will provide proper bedding for their rats within their cage. Proper bedding means kiln dried aspen, kiln dried pine or paper pellet bedding. The use of beddings such as cedar, fleece, other fabrics, cat litter, pee pads or reptile carpet will make the health guarantee null and void.
f.) The buyer will provide a clean and healthy environment for the rats. The buyer will keep the rats cage clean, safe and secure. The buyer will not use candles, incense, air fresheners near the rat’s cage and will provide a smoke-free home.
g.) The buyer will provide the rats with nutritious proper food. They agree to feed a block/kibble diet as a base/staple of their rats diet using one of these brands of food: Oxbow Essentials Adult Rat Food, Mazuri Rat & Mouse Food or other food that the seller has agreed upon. Provide clean fresh pure water (no added extras) in a proper water bottle.
h.) The buyer will always provide necessary veterinary care for the lifetime of the rats. Necessary care means they will seek treatment for any major injury or illness and the rat’s quality of life will always be high. No rat will be allowed to suffer without treatment.
i.) The buyer agrees that rats are highly social animals and need companionship from other rats of the same sex (or a spayed/neutered rat of the opposite sex). The buyer acknowledges that they, other people, or other species do not replace the companionship of another rat and that keeping a rat alone is neglect. The buyer agrees that if at anytime they are unable to provide a cage mate for their rat they will return the rat to the seller. The buyer agrees that they will always provide their rats with same sex or a spayed/neutered rat of the opposite sex cage mate except in these few circumstances:
i.) The rats cage mate has recently passed, and the buyer is actively looking to purchase a new cage mate.
ii.) The rat or the rat’s cage mate has had an injury or is recovering from illness, injury, or surgery and needs to be kept alone in a temporary hospital cage to recover.
j.) The buyer agrees to never house the rats in a cage or enclosure with animals of any other species.
k.) The buyer is not acting as an agent for any other person or business in the purchase of the rats. The buyer agrees they are not purchasing the said rats as a gift for another person. The buyer has given correct and truthful contact information.
l.) The buyer is over the age of 18 years old. If the buyer is purchasing the rats for their children they acknowledge that a pet is a huge responsibility outside of a child’s sole care. The child will mean anyone under 18 years of age. The buyer agrees that it is to be a family pet and that they as the adult/parent are responsible for the rats care for the entirety of their life.
m.) The buyer will not sell, give, release the rats to a pet shop, retail store, animal testing facility or any agents of any such business or facility. The buyer will not sell, give, release or re-home the rats to any other person for the entirety of the rats’ lifetime without written consent by the seller.
n.) If the buyer can no longer care for or provide the rats proper home, they agree to return said rats to the seller and forfeit all ownership. Returning the rats will be at the buyer’s expense and responsibility. The seller agrees to take back possession of the rats at any time.
o.) The buyer acknowledges that the rats are being sold under a PET ONLY/NON-BREEDING contract. The buyer agrees to be responsible and never house unfixed rats of mixed genders together, never allow play dates or any interaction between males and females who are not fixed. The buyer will make absolutely sure of the sex of any new rats before placing them together. The buyer will make sure that all cages and enclosures are absolutely secure and that they rats are unable to escape and interact. The buyer acknowledges that they are responsible for all their rats and will not allow unsupervised access to children or others who may mix the rats up.
In the event that the said rats are bred either on purpose or accidentally, the buyer agrees to return the rats and any babies born at the seller’s request and at the buyer’s expense. This is firm and non-negotiable.
p.) The buyer acknowledges and consents that if they break any part of this contract by breeding (on purpose or accidental) or through neglect or abuse, the seller has full discretion to share the buyer’s name/location and all correspondence to other breeders, groups, and even publicly to warn and inform others.
q.) The buyer acknowledges that the rats they have received are the rats they agreed to purchase. By accepting the rats, the buyer agrees that there are no obvious health issues or concerns such as no scabs, wounds, injuries, infestation, or respiratory ailments.
r.) The buyer has read, understands and acknowledges the liability waiver.
5.) Entire Agreement
This agreement represents the entire agreement between parties. The seller and the buyer have made no other agreements, promises, representations or warranties, unless specifically stated in this agreement.
By signing here you, the buyer, agree that you have been informed of everything in this contract that pertains to your specific purchase on the date listed below by the seller/breeder (Amy Belliveau / Blackwood Rats) You agree that you had any and all questions and concerns answered and were of sound mind at the time of signing this waiver and contract. By signing this you did not purchase under false pretenses and fully acknowledge the consequences outlined in said contract about doing so.
Seller Signature Date
X_______________________________ X__________
Buyer Signature
X__________________________________ X___________